Wednesday 21 April

The theme for our meeting on Wednesday 21 April 2010 co-hosted with Groundwork London, was "Walking up the Garden Path - community kitchen gardens and their contribution to local health and wellbeing" - add comments, recommendations or suggestions here (you will need to request permission to do so). Click here to return to the front page and a list of other Talk the Walk meetings.  

Community Food-Growing is more popular and in-demand than ever, so how can a project put down more permanent roots? How can we ensure the sustainability of such community enterprises so they continue to be effective? Does the fight against obesity offer opportunities with links to be made with those promoting physical activity, walking and healthy eating? – Join Talk the Walk to find out more about community up-skilling and meet others who like you are tackling these challenges.


As this is an event to give as many people a chance to get to know others in the room, we limit the presentations to only a few minutes each.  Any participant that wants to address the whole room may do so - the more participants electing to do so the less time each of them has to speak!  Find out what participants suggested as key elements in making project self-sustaining here.


Presentations to be made on the evening included:

Chris Church, Mapping for Change - on local community food mapping 

Ida Fabrizio, Sustain - Food up Front to Capital Growth 

Liz Hoehnke, CABE - An action plan with social landlords on improving the quality of open spaces within social housing areas. [Download presentation here]

Sarah Milner-Simmonds - Groundwork's role in community gardening

Angela Nutt, Middle Row Community School - creating a school garden area

Kirstie Mogilner - Federation of City Farms & Community Gardens Growing Communities project

Adam Shaw, Walk Innovation - a combination of working with energy, positive focus, effective time-management and discovering the real you.

Sean Sibley, Notting Hill Housing - 'The Grove Resident Group & Gardening Club'  Established 11th March 2010! Transforming the streets of the grove with colour and life.

Andrew Stuck, Rethinking Cities - walking and gardening two inter-twined therapies for better mental and physical health

Rokiah Yaman, Creative Health Lab - Food growing in Kentish Town


Download the list of participants here